SIA 2025 Conference Buffalo, New York - Saturday Banquet Only

05/31/2025 06:30 PM - 09:30 PM ET


SIA 2025 Conference - Saturday Banquet Only $85.00
2025 SIA Conference - Buffalo, New York
May 29 - June 1, 2025

This selection is only to add a spouse or friend to join you for the Saturday Evening Banquet. This registration DOES NOT include attendance to any other Conference event.

You will receive a summary of your registration via email before the start of the conference.

Please be sure to answer all of the questions. Many are required (those with a red asterisk “*”) and must be completed before your registration can be entered into your shopping cart.

Please feel free to call SIA Headquarters at 1-906-487-1889 or email at, if you have any registration questions.